Xi Jinping stressed during an inspection of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Beijing and Hebei Redouble efforts in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction We will ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment over the winter

Release time: 2023-11-12
Xi Jinping stressed during an inspection of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Beijing and Hebei

Redouble efforts in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction
We will ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment over the winter

CAI Qi accompanied the inspection

中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平10日在北京、河北考察灾后恢复重建工作时强调,Party committees and governments at all levels and all relevant parties should earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee,Redouble efforts in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction,We will ensure that the people live and work happily and enjoy a warm winter。We must always put the people first, adhere to the systematic concept, adhere to the truth and practical, scientific planning and rational layout, strengthen the weak points and strong points, speed up the improvement of flood control projects and emergency management systems, and constantly improve the capacity for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief。

In late July and early August this year, extreme rainfall occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other places, causing flooding and geological disasters, causing heavy casualties in Beijing, Hebei and other places。Xi Jinping has always been concerned about the affected people, attaching great importance to flood control and disaster relief and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work, and has made important instructions and instructions on many occasions, requiring relevant localities and departments to do their utmost to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and restore normal production and life order in the disaster-hit areas as soon as possible。In early September, Xi Jinping visited the affected people in Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province。At the beginning of winter in northern China, Xi Jinping visited Beijing and the hard-hit areas in Hebei Province to visit the affected people and inspect and guide the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work。

On November 10, Xi Jinping, accompanied by Yin Li, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, Yin Yong, Mayor, Ni Yuifeng, Secretary of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee, and Wang Zhengpu, governor, respectively, visited Mentougou, Baoding and other places to learn about the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction。

Yongding River Sanjiadian diversion hub is a control project of Guanting Shanxia section of Yongding River。On the morning of the 10th, Xi Jinping came here to listen to reports on the restoration and management of Beijing's water system, Yongding River, and the operation of river locks, and understand the progress of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction。Xi Jinping pointed out that Mentougou, Fangshan and other mountainous areas have high mountains and deep valleys, and continuous heavy rainfall is prone to cause huge mountain floods, which is a key area in Beijing's flood prevention and flood fighting。It is necessary not only to build reservoirs and other control projects, but also to improve the flood control standards of roads, houses and other buildings in mountainous areas, and effectively improve the ability to prevent and fight floods。Based on the characteristics of Beijing's water system, summing up historical experience, focusing on prominent problems and weak links, and in accordance with the principle of "storage, drainage, drainage and effective flood control", we should speed up the repair of flood damaged facilities, strengthen the construction of key water conservancy projects, and provide strong support for ensuring flood control safety in the capital。

Later, Xi Jinping drove to Miaofeng Mountain Ethnic School。This year's flood season, here as a temporary disaster shelter and flood prevention and relief personnel resided。Xi entered a classroom where children were having a themed class meeting led by their teacher。Everyone competed to show Grandpa Xi their handmade products with the theme of flood fighting and disaster relief, and reported their experiences and feelings in front of the flood, Xi Jinping was very happy after listening。He said that ensuring that the affected students can return to school on time is a clear requirement of the CPC Central Committee for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction。Through the joint efforts of all parties, all the schools in the disaster areas have opened on time, and it is very practical and gratified to see the happy smiles of the children。Your school successfully avoided the flood in this flood control, and well played the role of "safe island", we should make good use of this vivid teaching material, carry out safety education, and enhance the children's safety awareness and risk aversion。This flood relief will be unforgettable for the children, so that they can learn to be grateful, set aspirations, and do the builder and successor of the socialist cause。

On the school playground, Xi Jinping warmly visited the families of martyrs who died in the line of duty, grass-roots party members, cadres and masses involved in flood control and flood relief, fire and emergency rescue workers, employees of state-owned enterprises and representatives of volunteers。Xi Jinping said,In this flood fighting, rescue and disaster relief struggle,Grassroots party members and cadres take the lead and have the courage to take responsibility,The officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army, the Armed Police Force, and the commanders and soldiers of the fire rescue teams came forward and marched toward the danger,Employees of state-owned enterprises heard of the "flood" and rushed to rescue,All sectors of society and volunteers actively participate and contribute their love,Written the flood merciless human love of the world,It shows the remarkable advantages of the socialist system when one side is in trouble and the support from all sides, and the struggle spirit of the Chinese people who are united as one,Many touching stories have emerged。Many Party members and cadres died in the flood fighting. We should always remember them, publicize their heroic deeds, and take good care of their families。

Around noon, Xi Jinping visited Shuiyuzui Village in Miaofeng Mountain Town。At the riverside platform at the entrance of the village, Xi Jinping listened to the introduction of the village, and then walked to inspect the village appearance and understand the restoration and improvement of infrastructure construction。Xi Jinping pointed out that after the major flood disaster, it is necessary to build a major treatment, and greatly improve the level of water conservancy facilities and flood control facilities。We must put the people first, take a long-term and scientific approach to planning, closely integrate recovery and reconstruction with high-quality development, resilient cities, rural revitalization, and ecological progress, and take targeted measures to comprehensively improve our capacity for disaster prevention, mitigation, and relief。In particular, it is necessary to improve the grass-roots emergency management organization system in urban and rural areas, and enhance the grass-roots capacity for disaster prevention and risk aversion and self-rescue and mutual rescue。

At the home of villager Li Meng, Xi Jinping asked in detail about the damage to the house, the cost of repairs, heating and so on。Xi said it is a tough task to ensure the safety and warmth of the affected people over the winter。The winter in the north is long, the winter in the mountains is especially cold, and the heating work must be implemented to achieve every household。For those affected households that have completed the renovation or reconstruction of their houses and are eligible for occupancy, they should be guided to help them implement winter heating。For those affected households who have not completed the reconstruction of their houses, it is necessary to ensure that they are warm over the winter by means of lodging with relatives and friends, renting apartments, and government resettlement。

When they left the village, the local people gave the general Secretary a warm farewell。'I have been thinking of the people in the disaster area,' Mr. Xi told them。The Communist Party is a party that serves the people, always puts the people in the highest place in its heart, and will spare no effort in rescue and disaster relief or post-disaster recovery and reconstruction。I hope the villagers will have firm confidence and work hard to build a better home。

During this year's flood season, Zhuozhou City of Baoding suffered from severe flood disaster, and has basically returned to normal production and life order。On the afternoon of the 10th, Xi Jinping came to the Shuangta Street Yongji Xiuyuan community。He first walked into the drugstore and supermarket at the entrance of the community, asked the merchants about the recovery of the operation in detail, and then came to the community heat station to understand the operation of the heating facilities。Xi Jinping said that through the disaster, residents and some production and business units have suffered a lot of losses, and party committees and governments at all levels should take multiple measures to help the affected people and enterprises and businesses tide over the difficulties。In urban restoration and reconstruction, it is necessary to conduct disaster prevention and mitigation planning, give full consideration to risk avoidance and disaster avoidance, set aside flood lanes, flood discharge areas and flood detention areas, upgrade drainage networks and other infrastructure, and improve urban operational support capacity。

Xi Jinping went into the home of Dong Caiying, a resident, to visit and ask in detail about flood levels, emergency living, furniture and household appliances renewal, heating, and related subsidies。Dong Caiying told the general secretary that with the help of party members and cadres, the house has been cleaned and repaired and moved in, and there is no problem with warm winter。Xi Jinping stressed that the primary task of urban recovery and reconstruction is to restore the living environment of every household and community。To identify leaks and fill in the gaps, the work should be further detailed and concrete, grass-roots organizations, party members and cadres, neighbors, all professional forces and volunteers should work together。

When he left the community, Xi Jinping communicated cordially with the residents of the community。Xi Jinping said to everyone that the Zhuozhou disaster was very heavy, and at that time I paid attention to the situation here every day and missed you very much。Today, seeing that the municipal public service facilities have resumed normal operation and everyone's life has basically returned to normal, I feel relieved。After the storm comes the rainbow。Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, as long as everyone works together, we will be able to live a better life。The second batch of thematic education is being carried out in depth,Party organizations at all levels in the disaster areas should closely combine thematic education with post-disaster recovery and reconstruction,We will vigorously promote the spirit of fighting floods and providing relief,We will give full play to the role of primary-level Party organizations as fighting fortresses and the exemplary vanguard role of party members and cadres,The results of restoration and reconstruction and people's satisfaction were used to test the effectiveness of thematic education。

Wanquanzhuang village of Diao Town is located in the Langouwa flood storage area, and 311 households in the village were affected by the flood season this year。Xi Jinping carefully inspected the restoration and reconstruction of village roads and houses。He walked into the housing reconstruction construction site, asked about the damage, construction progress, rental transition, etc., and encouraged them to unite as one, overcome the difficulties together, and rebuild the Hemei countryside。

Villager Yang Peiran house damage is light, has been reinforced and repaired and moved in。Xi Jinping went into Yang Peiran's home to learn about their family income, repair costs, and production recovery。Xi Jinping pointed out that the renovation and reconstruction of houses is the top priority of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction。At present, the task of repair and reinforcement has been basically completed, and the most important and difficult task is reconstruction。Party committees and governments at all levels should pay special attention to the reconstruction of households, and those who have special difficulties during the transition period and cannot solve their housing problems should be appropriately resettled。We should take concrete and effective measures to prevent a return to poverty due to disasters。

At parting, the villagers shouted greetings to the general secretary。Xi Jinping told everyone that in the face of rare floods in history, the villagers have suffered great losses, and I express my condolences to you!Party committees and governments at all levels are taking measures to make solid progress in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction。It is hoped that the villagers will be self-reliant, work hard and use their own industrious hands to speed up the restoration and reconstruction and promote rural revitalization。

Xi Jinping also walked into the farmland near the village to inspect the growth of winter wheat and Chinese cabbage。He pointed out that agricultural production is an important aspect of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, which is not only directly related to the income of every household, but also related to national food security。We will continue to speed up efforts to repair damaged farmland and agricultural facilities, increase the supply of agricultural materials, strengthen guidance on agricultural technology, organize agricultural production this winter and next spring, and strive for a good harvest next year。

Baigou River is a backbone flood channel in Daqing River basin。Xi Jinping came to the Baigou River management project (Zhuozhou section) to inspect the progress of the project and hear the report on the major water conservancy project in Hebei Province after the disaster reconstruction。Xi Jinping pointed out that the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei water system is connected, and flood control is a chess game, and it is necessary to further study and promote the construction of flood control engineering system in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region。We should adhere to the concept of a system, coordinate river basins and regions, properly handle the relations between upstream and downstream, left and right banks, and main and tributaries, and scientifically arrange the functions of reservoirs, river channels, embankments, and flood storage and detention areas, so as to improve the flood control capacity of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as a whole。

On the dam, Xi Jinping affectionately visited the construction personnel of water conservancy projects and the representatives of the People's Liberation Army and Armed police forces, militia reservists, and fire rescue teams who had participated in the Zhuozhou flood rescue。He said that this flood relief, all forces and the broad masses of the people together to build a strong line of defense for flood prevention and relief, to protect the homeland, fully demonstrated the strong political advantages of our Party and country。The people thank you, the Party and the government thank you!

Before returning to Beijing, Xi Jinping told his companions and local cadres that under the correct decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, effective measures have been taken at all levels to minimize the losses caused by the once-in-a-century flood disaster。Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction involve a wide range of projects and large capital investment。Recently, the central government decided to issue an additional 1 trillion yuan of government bonds to support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction projects and improve disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities。Party committees and governments at all levels and relevant departments must adhere to the truth and pragmatism, scientific planning and reasonable layout, use funds to the cutting edge, promote high-quality project construction, and build various projects into popular projects, high-quality projects, and clean projects。

CAI Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, accompanied the inspection。

He Weidong participated in the relevant activities, and the responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the central and state organs accompanied the inspection。

来源:Xinhua News Agency